First person shooters has been somewhat of a hit or miss genre on Nintendo consoles. Whilst we marvel at the greatness of GoldenEye or Turok, we also have to live with the likes of The Conduit, they are either absolutely spot on, or abysmally bad. These days Nintendo strive to develop some of the most accessible, family friendly games on the market, I’m of the opinion that they should also pump a bit of that cash they’ve got lying around into a sequel for the little gaming gem I’m going to talk to you about today, XIII (or 13 if you don’t know your Roman numerals).
Tags: 360, Adam West, crofterz, Crysis, David Duchovny, FPS, GameCube, Goldeneye, Halo, James Bond, Killzone, Microsoft, MOH, Mulder, newbreview, Nintendo, POW!, PS2, PS2 Online, PS3, Shooting, Sony, T.U.G.Y.P.S.P, The Conduit, The X-Files, The XX, Thoroughly Underrated, Thoroughly Underrated Games You Probably Should Play, Turok, Ubisoft, Wii, X-Files, xbox, Xbox Live 1.0, XIII
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Everybody loves lists right? Contrary to popular belief within the games industry, local multiplayer gaming is still very much alive. Many of us still like to get the mates over and enjoy some split screen gaming. In fact every night out with my friends begins with the playing of a few games or drinking to [...]
Tags: Activision, Blur, EA, everybody loves lists, FIFA, Fight Night, football, Halo, Joefeesh, mario kart, Marvel VS Capcom, Modern Warfare 2, Mortal Kombat, New Super Mario Brothers, Pro Evo, racing, responsible, Review, Shooting, Smash Bros, Soccer, Split/Second, Tekken
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Game: Mass Effect Format: Xbox 360 Developer: BioWare Publisher: Microsoft Games Studios Released in November of 2007 with other high profile games (that have also recently seen sequels) like Assassin’s Creed and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, Mass Effect was the first game to be released by BioWare (makers of classic games such as Baldur’s Gate and [...]
Tags: bioware, Mightyles, Playing, Review, Role, RPG, Shepherd, Shooting, XBox 360
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