Whenever the discussion with friends, family, gaming buddies or indeed, anyone who will listen, turns to “Underrated Games” I always immediately interject with “Mirror’s Edge”. I am most often met with a mixture of confusion, blank looks and sometimes a knowing nod of approval. Mirror’s Edge is one of those games that falls into a [...]
Tags: DICE, EA, Electronic Arts, Mirror's Edge, PC, PS3, Rax, XBox 360
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One of the most underrated games… well… ever actually, looks set to rise from the ashes of it’s less than spectacular sales figures and is mentioned as “in the pipeline” for DICE, to use their excellent Forstbite 2 Engine, who are currently working on Battlefield 3. This is great news as the first Mirror’s Edge [...]
Tags: DICE, EA, FPS, Mirror's Edge, Mirror's Edge 2, PC, PS3, Rax, xbox
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If you were not aware, we have a little Amazon store here at Newbreview.com (link at the top of the page) which we use to try and raise a little cash that we can put toward prize giveaways and so on. Good old Mightyles has been scouring the store to find some real bargains that [...]
Tags: amazon, bargains, Batman Arkham Asylum, Brutal Legend, House of the Dead Overkill, Lego Batman, Little Big Planet, Madworld, Mirror's Edge, PS3, Resident Evil 0, Sega Megadrive Collection, Super Smash Brothers Brawl, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Smash Up, The Orange Box, Viva Pinata Trouble In paradise, Wii, XBox 360
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