Quick Look:- Tokyo Jungle

Every once in a little while a bizarre and quirky title is released from out of nowhere that manages to capture the hearts and imaginations of the general gaming public, with notable previous examples including PlayDead’s Limbo and thatgamecompany’s Flower, and there may very well soon be another game to join their ranks.

On the surface Sony’s Tokyo Jungle is a hard game to categorise – it’s  kind of a blend of fast paced arcadey gameplay and stealth, with a healthy dose of character customisation and outfit collection. Oh yes, and you get to take your pick from a vast selection of animals to play as, from Pomeranian puppies all the way through to Bengal Tigers, and almost everything in between.

It may sound like a train wreck of ideas, but in actual fact it works really well. Don’t believe us? Kieran, Luke and Adam sat down to record the following video in order to help you better visualise this promising looking title.

Tokyo Jungle is available to buy in Japan right now, with a vague western release date of “sometime soon”. Here’s hoping Sony listens to the buzz that has been generated by this title in recent weeks and makes it available to the west sooner rather than later.

Thu, June 28 2012 » Previews, PS3, Quick Look, Videos

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