Puzzle Game: Can You Crack It?

Can you Crack The Code?One of the biggest areas of growth in the gaming market in recent years has been the explosion of brain teasing mental puzzles. Some of the highest selling games over the past decade have revolved around the prospect of improving your mental capacity, such as the incredibly popular Brain Training series for the Nintendo DS.

Many gamers dismiss these titles as nothing more than a means of making money from the casual market, from people that don’t like games. However many talented PR teams across the globe have started to utilise simple online flash games with basic puzzle elements, with some lifted directly from the aforementioned ‘casual games’, to promote films, games, and other consumer products.

A recent example of this is Ubisoft’s Unlock the Animus game, which is a free to play online puzzle game that was used as a way to hype up the release of Assassin’s Creed Revelations.

Unlock The Animus managed to be a fun and challenging memory game that took the form of five weekly instalments and gradually became more difficult as it revealed more secrets about the Assassin’s Creed world. We like to think of ourselves as bright sparks here at newbreview.com, but even the first week’s challenge really tested our abilities, which is a welcome change in this day and age. In our quest to find more of these free promotional brain teasers we came across a deviously challenging game at; www.canyoucrackit.co.uk.

This is a game that revolves around hacking/cracking a secret code from a sequence of letters and numbers, and it may very well be one of the most challenging games I have ever played. Numerous members of newbreview.com’s staff have given this game a go with varying results, although one thing we all have in common is that none of us have managed to crack the code. As of writing there are only a few days left to crack it, and the way things are going we may never crack it.

We don’t know who has posted this game or what they are promoting, but major props should be given to the creators for crafting such an challengingly addictive puzzle game.

Can You Crack It?

If you do manage to, please do feel free to leave a comment proclaiming your superior mental abilities!

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Fri, November 25 2011 » Gaming News

6 Responses

  1. barry November 28 2011 @ 1:23 pm

    This is doing my head in. I thought I was good at puzzles like this.

  2. Luke November 30 2011 @ 4:58 pm

    Done. Actually nice and easy if you know what you’re looking at. What you can see is only part 1 though. There are 3 parts in total.

  3. Rax December 1 2011 @ 3:19 pm

    Now, now Luke, nobody likes a smart arse! ;-)

    (*Although I am secretly pretty impressed… and off to have a go myself! I’m a sucker for a challenge!*)

  4. ostendali December 1 2011 @ 11:25 pm

    hey guys….
    why you complicate your life by yourself and don’t go to have a bit fun?
    don’t you see the site being developed in asp (grrrr) so all is bullshit and there is no any code behind this stuff….
    none of real hacker will never fall into this shit…
    by the way, if someone want to know solution just ask to zerolab.eu

  5. jpsilva December 2 2011 @ 8:20 pm

    Password: Pr0t3ct!on#cyber_security*12.2011+

  6. Mightyles December 3 2011 @ 12:05 am

    Ok Jpsilva, now you need to tell us how you worked that one out! :D

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