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Quick Look:- Hitman Absolution

Hitman Absolution is just a month away, and so Square-Enix have moved into true hype-builder mode. The upshot is that they’re drip feeding us with key information on exactly how the game is going to play and how it was developed. Check out their latest video, which focuses on how they’ll be telling the story of Hitman Absolution when we finally get our hands on it on 20th November.

I for one especially like seeing Powers Boothe in full motion capture garb in the following video!

- Tom Wallis

ClacTom (122 Posts)

Tom has been an avid gamer since his parents invested in a Commodore 64 back in the early '90s. Classics such as Goblin 3, Soccer Kid and Lemmings created an addiction from which he will never recover. Tom has been given the opportunity to write for GAME and EA, sometimes even treading foreign shores to bring you gaming words... Oh, and he's an Aquarius.

Wed, October 10 2012 » Quick Look, Videos

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