I don’t know how word got about my crazy man-crush on the Green Lanterns, but at this point it’s impossible to put the cork back in the bottle. In fact, so much is known about this dirty little secret of mine, that the creators of the DC Lantern’s Light set knew to specifically give me Kyle Rayner previews instead of Hal Jordan ones (not that ‘Ol Fearless himself doesn’t have his own merits)!
Why does Kyle rock so much? He was the easiest comic book character for a reader to relate to. Unemployed (starving artist=unemployed); immature; slacker; etc. Everything a comic book reader can relate to. Then he stumbles out of a rave into an alley and encounters Ganthet, who basically decides he’s tired of looking for a suitable ring candidate, and forks over the ring to Kyle with the words, “You will have to do.” READ MORE »