This week Cliff goes discusses his prep for midnight Magic, and then Squire takes us down the road of the VS System that might have been.
Monthly archives for April, 2010
The Ring Has Chosen Episode 91
Council Update: Under Construction
It’s been a month or so since we’ve last updated ya’ll, so we’ve got a bunch of stuff to tell you about. First off, I hope you’ve been enjoying the 100 Ideas tournament which is currently in the Marvel Round 2 phase. If you haven’t made your picks, do so quickly as the first round of matches is already ready to be posted. Here’s the link:
There’s also been another awesome halfsies tournament going on called March Madness, which we’ve been enjoying immensly, but there’s been very little input from the community on this one, so John Hall and Co. (Wiggins, Barnes, etc.) have decided to shut it down.
But the real focus of this article is the construction going on around the community. Those of you purusing the forums may have already noticed some of the changes. There are four major ones… READ MORE »
A Doctor Who Sneak Peek!
When Number6 over on the forums put out the request for Doctor Who preview volunteers, I couldn’t resist. Is it because I
A) am obsessed with Doctor Who? Nope, never seen it.
B) need to get my writing fix in for the month? Nope, I teach Math, not Communications!
C) wanted to see cards before everyone else. Yup! Na’na Na’a Boo Boo! READ MORE »
The Ring Has Chosen Episode 50
Ring Has Chosen Classix: Episode 50!
This Week Squire Returns! Special Guest Host TBZ! Billy Zonos joins us in our Epic and Uncensored 50th episode.
100 Ideas: DC Round 2 (Part 4 of 4)
DC Round 2 is finally done! That means it’s time to get your Marvel picks in before the next round starts. Here’s the Marvel threads:
Luckily, my friend Eric swooped in and helped me finish all four of the final matches. Special thanks to Guglio and Andrew Bircher who played a couple matches too, but I forgot to tell them it was best of three, so I finished their games up for them! READ MORE »
March Madness Halfsies #4
In the last Halvesies tournament that we had, Insult Reservists went all the way to the finals (which oddly never was played). Mind you, this was also before Marvel Universe had been officially been released (though I was playing with proxies from Nextwave). With the addition of the new Avengers Reservists characters in Marvel Universe, the deck became even more formidable. As such, it was my pick to win the Scrub bracket; if not the entire tournament! READ MORE »