Marvel Round 1 continues today with the next 5 reports. The last five will hopefully be submitted soon so that I can get that up in a week as well!
Like always, the decklists can be found here. READ MORE »
Marvel Round 1 continues today with the next 5 reports. The last five will hopefully be submitted soon so that I can get that up in a week as well!
Like always, the decklists can be found here. READ MORE »
Cliff & Squire ARE BACK! Where have they been? What's to become of the show? Listen to their thoughts on Marvel Super Stars, VS Fan Set, and more. All this, and their rantings, and tangents!
DC Round 1 was a smashing success. Many people played, only one is in the lead. Doomstat managed to nail all 8 matchups, so he better be looking over his shoulder this round as he has 50 other competitors looking to overtake him.
We’re on to the Marvel side of things now. This first installation of the Marvel bracket will only reveal 4 of the 14 first round matches. Look for the next two thirds in the upcoming weeks.
All decklists can be found here. READ MORE »
For those of you that don’t follow all other Vs sections I have been very busy working with the latest love I found in Vs., the Fantasy Sets. Not only have I been working on my own custom sets, but I have also been collecting sets made by other players and compiling them into the Fantasy Set Directory that can be found both in TCGPlayer as well as in In this directory you will find fan sets catalogued by specific groups such as Marvel, DC, Malibu, Cartoon Shows and so forth. You also get links to the sets as well as the names of those who created them.
The Fantasy Set Directory gave way to the Fantasy Set Dictionary where you will find most of the definitions of specific keywords that were created for these sets. This effort was done in part to create awareness not only of the hard work and dedication these creators put into their fan made content, but also as a way to get everyone involved into the movement. The reason I took on the task of doing this is because it is quite possible if not an undeniable truth that fan made content is the only venue we have left to enjoy new material to play with. While many of you will not be fond of these idea I urge you to give it a try before discarding the it completely. READ MORE »
Just like Part 1, I’ll start these four matches off with one I played myself. I met with my friend Rob once again (I’m sure he’s sick of me already) to play the Revenge Squad Vs. Superman Blue Abuse match. By the way, after only two matches in this tournament, I’m full-on in love with Vs. again. I hadn’t played in so long that I almost forgot what it was like. I hope all my volunteers are similarly enjoying themselves!
Remember, all decklists can be found HERE! READ MORE »
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