OK – to make up for the lack of an update last week, we have two interesting pieces of news for you this week. It’s a lot to digest, so let’s dig in…
#1. Goin’ Rogue. A couple of weeks ago, we told you that we wanted to try to go above board with future fan sets. In other words, we wanted to get permission from Marvel/DC to repurpose their art so that anyone in the community could blantantly display their fan sets and no one would get in trouble.
After talking to some “inside sources”, we learned that this is probably NOT the way to go with this. To heavily paraphrase the lesson we got: Marvel/DC probably wouldn’t mind the idea of us using their art, but they would never give us permission because if they let US do it for free, they’d start down a slippery slope of “who gets it for free/who has to pay?”. And since they are first and foremost “businesses”, they’ve gotta go where the money takes them.
That said, our sources don’t think our fan sets are going to be a problem. We even asked “what if we wanted to run a public fan-set event at some point?”. As long as we’re not making any money off of these fan sets, we should be cool. And, if for some reason we get Marvel/DC’s attention and they want us to stop, the most they’ll do is “cease and desist” us.
#2. DSM-2. With “fan set issue #1″ now taken care of, we’ve got a clearer vision of what we want to do with DSM-2 (announced a few weeks back…this is the “reimagining” of the Superman Set that Patrick Yapjoco is leading). Here’s a quick sketch of how we see things shaking out…dates to be announced:
+ We need your input! Patrick has made rough drafts of each of the 4 DSM teams (Team Superman, New Gods, Revenge Squad, Darkseid’s Elite). The council has gone over these drafts for obvious errors (“Patrick, why is Lois Lane an 35/35 invulnerable 8-drop?”) and now Patrick needs to know what to work on first. Which team would YOU like to see first? We’ll put a poll up on Monday along with the themes of each team. For now, start lobbying for your choice!!
+ Patrick wants everyone to help design a few of the cards. We’re going to do it by voting, Nyssa-style! We’d love to see the community help build cards based on the team themes Patrick will discuss on Monday. It sounds like Patrick as picked some key characters to get input on, so get your thinking caps warmed up.
+ Once DSM-2 is a reality, we’ll add it to the appropriate online programs and we’ll likely have some kind of release celebration. (More on all that later…)
Let us know what you think of all this, gang! We value your feedback because…well, the council exists to keep this game going for all us die-hards. We think these are some pretty exciting happenings and we hope you agree.
(Phew!! With all that going on, we didn’t even have time to mention that we’re still working on council guidelines and a “voting for council members” timeline. We assume we’ll have a voting process in place by the end of April, with power changing hands in May. We also didn’t have time to remind you to add your hobby league to Dragon’s list…so we’ll have to do it next time.)