I’m just going to skip the spiel about me starting a column here and leaving poppythecat and dive right in.
Vs has been fairly slow recently, and I have not been as excited about it as I have in the past.
So, when the Bring Your Own Two Team format came around my interest perked a little.
I experimented with:
X-Men/Pro-Registration – Weenie
Thunderbolts/Pro-Registration – Weenie
Darksied City – Lost City
Black Bolt – This is one format it can’t be done in. Sad panda
New Gods/Fantastic Four – Supercycle/Fantasticar spamming
Avengers/X-Men – Quicksilver / Nightcrawler
Crime Lords/X-Men – Spider-Woman stall W/X-Men Assemble
Heralds/X-Men – Air-Walker/Rogue
Ok, so I may have gotten a little excited with X-Men.
Some of these team-ups may seem like wierd choices, but they aren’t by far the wierdest team-up yet.
This, is: READ MORE »