The thrill of competition has been around for as long as people have been around. Before the first Olympics in Greece, someone had to organize it. Before the first fan-run vs system event too, someone had to organize it. What exactly happens in this organizing process I hope by the end of this article will be clear. It is worth noting that events will vary, just like formats do. And that is just one change. You’ll have to answer many questions before the first round of your event starts – How much is the entry fee? Will there be food available? How much does it cost to rent the venue? How many people should I expect will be at the event? How do I drum up support for the event and get as many people there as possible? What should be ordered as prize support? Is there any potential issues that can arise with third parties? Is (insert action) legal in the country I’m running an event in? Do we have access to rules references in case there are disputes during match play? Will we be able to get video or picture coverage of the event? What is transportation going to look like? Is the venue at a place that is accessible to the most players possible? The list goes on, and on, and on. READ MORE »