It’s official! has a 2011 Council. This is great news to those worried that we were headed towards Joker-led anarchy ala The Dark Knight. Here are your elected officials for this year:
Scott “scottkthompson” Thompson
Aaron “Onyxweapon” Mead
Kevin “KardKrazy” Johnson
Miguel “carlosthedwarf” Rodriguez
Jason “Banstylejbo” Brown
Squire “HomerJ” Kirshner
You may have done a double-take when you saw 6 members, but no need to adjust your monitors. The 5th spot resulted in a tie between Onyxweapon and Banstylejbo when we were polling the community. Instead of a fight to the death between these two, we decided to open up the roster a little bit. In the case of a tie-breaker during council votes, Guglio (the next closest candidate in the polling) graciously volunteered his time to help settle the issue.
Your council has hit the ground running so far, and we thought we’d just give you a taste of what we’ve been up to:
Kevin and Jason nearly have their next fanset ready for the market. This one is called DC Nightfall and may just knock your socks off. And while this isn’t specifically a Council-related activity, we all appreciate the efforts of those community members who are constantly springing new fan-content on us!
Scott is working on the 2011 Mega-Weekend. Ike E Bear helped launch it with a very successful January event; and this weekend we’re having the one-day Online Februrary Mega-Weekend. If you haven’t signed up yet, please do so now!
Miguel is working hard on a new website (or possibly a page on our current website) that helps train new players on the ins and outs of Vs. I think we can all agree this will be an invaluable resource!
Aaron is hoping to reinvigorate his writing career by starting up his own deck clinic. Stay tuned for more!
Finally, I think if someone starts a slow-clap, we can get HomerJ back on the air with The Ring Has Chosen!
OK, I’ll start! “Clap!”