Hey gang – Carlos here with a quick update to cover some of the things I skipped last week. Nothing quite as groundbreaking as last time, but here we go:
+ I’ve put together some text for a web idea I had. I’d like to create a mini-site for Vs. newbies. It can get overwhelming to be a new player and then have to wade through a bunch of threads on .org to figure out how to play. So I’ve written out text for an 8-page mini-site that is hopefully simple to navigate through and contains everything a newbie will need to start playing this kick-#ss game. I’m going to have the council look over it this week and then have all of you eyeball it late next week.
+ I’m still working on getting those MWS instructions together. I had two guinea pigs try to install using my instructions. One still hasn’t gotten it to work, the other got it installed OK. Not sure if this is significant enough a “win” to release the instructions to the public just yet…any other guinea pigs out there? PM me.
+ DFC – The Final Crisis Set. Guglio was kind enough to let me look over the set that he and his crew built. I have to say, I’m very impressed. They’ve done a lot to bring a few DC teams up to MEV level. With Gug’s permission, I’ve FWD’d the “spoiler” to the council and they’re reading it for any overlooked “oops”es. The set is 275 cards, so it may take the council a while to thoroughly look it over. But I believe (and I could be wrong) that the creators are currently putting all the artwork together now anyway, so it’s not like we’re holding anything up. (Besides, the council isn’t really adding or subtracting to their set – our job is just to point out errors they may have missed and give general impressions before they unleash this on the public.)
That’s it for this update. I’d love to talk about OP next time. Until then, happy 4th to all. Be safe and play Vs.